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Welcome to Bee Enchanted CIC!

Formed in 2020, Bee Enchanted CIC is an inclusive interdisciplinary performance company that brings together a diverse range of dance forms, circus arts, and technology to create extraordinary experiences for our community and promote education. Our team of dedicated practitioners specializes in movement, circus manipulation, music, visual art, and technology, blending these skills with specialist technology from GLOW to deliver captivating performances and outdoor spectacles that involve and engage the community.

At Bee Enchanted CIC, we believe in the power of the arts to make a positive impact on people's lives. Our work encompasses a wide range of dance forms, incorporating movement, music, and technology. We have extensive experience working in participatory arts, particularly with disadvantaged and hard-to-reach groups across the North East region. Our projects are designed to combat social isolation, enhance well-being, improve quality of life, and foster independence.

As a member of Bee Enchanted CIC, you'll have unique opportunities to explore the intersection of art and technology. Our projects involve projection mapping, animation, filming, video editing, and slow motion photography, allowing you to unleash your creativity and contribute to inspiring productions.

We are proud to have delivered the Forever Dance project, a movement initiative for individuals over 55, supported by the National Lottery Community Fund. This project has provided a lifeline to many who experience social isolation and are at risk of falling. Additionally, we have a creative dance ensemble, inspired by our talented author Risaria Langley, that collaboratively produces remarkable work.

Thanks to funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) and the National Lottery, we can and have offered digital sessions accompanied by wellbeing videos. These sessions provide a range of enriching experiences for participants, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

From the roots of Wild Sea Women, we have developed a female-only program called Fire and Flow. These sessions incorporate breathwork, meditation, movement, and elements of nature to uplift women, particularly those dealing with anxiety symptoms and grief.

At Bee Enchanted CIC, we use movement as a foundation for healing, strength-building, and mental health support. Our community is a diverse and welcoming one, where members connect with each other and create inspiring pieces of work together. We specialize in working with learning disabled adults, raising mental health awareness, empowering older adults, supporting women, and promoting family learning.

We invite you to join us on this magical journey of artistic expression, personal growth, and community engagement. Together, we can make a difference and create unforgettable experiences through the power of movement, circus, and technology. Welcome to Bee Enchanted CIC!

Penella Bee is a passionate dancer and choreographer with a wealth of experience in the world of participatory arts. With over 16 years of combined experience, she has dedicated herself to bringing the transformative power of the arts to her local community.

Recognizing the immense value of the arts in people's lives, Penella founded Bee Enchanted CIC to provide enhanced access to artistic experiences for community members. She firmly believes in the importance of magic and escapism for individuals of all ages. Through co-creating and performing, Penella fosters a unique bonding experience among participants. She understands that this collaborative process triggers the release of chemicals such as dopamine, adrenaline, and oxytocin, which elevate mood and create a sense of connection.

Penella recognizes that nerves can be present when approaching a performance, but she firmly believes that this challenge offers a profound opportunity for personal growth and the acceleration of confidence levels. By guiding participants through the creative process and encouraging them to take center stage, Penella empowers individuals to embrace their talents and step out of their comfort zones.

With her extensive experience in delivering a broad range of participatory arts in the local community, Penella brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Bee Enchanted CIC. Her dedication to enriching lives through the arts has made her a respected figure within the community.

Through her leadership and artistic vision, Penella Bee is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive artistic community where individuals can discover their creative potential, experience the magic of performance, and forge lifelong connections. Her passion for the arts and her belief in their transformative power continue to inspire and uplift those who have the privilege of working with her.

“The children were inspired by the professional show with community cast”