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‘Connecting the Dots’ Is a 3 year project supported by the national lottery and Creative lives DCMS.

Groups run in locations of high social deprivation, engaging with participants disproportionately affected by the impact of the pandemic, and the cost of living crisis. Participants in all groups notice the positive impact regular dance has on their confidence, physical and mental health, and social relationships.

Bee Enchanted CIC is rooted in the belief that co-production is central to the design, development and delivery of the programme. Members of the groups lead the direction and development of the programmes, and regular consultation takes place through the following:

  • Weekly peer led consultation, led by two long-standing community volunteers. Sessions identify areas for development, including visits to wider community settings, additional support requirements, and travel practicalities. A central part of these peer led consultation sessions is the chance for participants to ‘check in’ on each other, identifying concerns, and acting on it quickly.

  • Regular, community-led group communication through WhatsApp groups for older adults’ group and the women's group, providing a digital platform for regular social connection.

The programme will target new members in existing communities, grow the established groups, and make new links across them. We aim to reach new members of the community who do not regularly engage with wellbeing programmes through marketing strategically with our partners who are experts in engaging their wider community. Supported by Bee Enchanted CIC governing board, an advisory panel will be established. This will be formed of local participants, artists, community volunteers, health professionals and partner organisations who are experts in their field. The panel will meet three times a year to shape the strategic development of the programme.